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Snow is upon us!

The weather can be so unpredictable in Nevada at times. It doesn’t surprise us if we have all four seasons in one day. Right now, however, it is winter, and it’s hitting us hard! As much as we all love outdoor play, we as teachers need to find creative ways to keep kids busy and entertained while they are indoors.

Most children, specifically ours, thrive outdoors. We want to keep that same pace of thriving even while they are indoors. A perfect, small example of this is Ms. Nancy, our new Mustang teacher, who brought buckets of snow into the preschool and placed them on a table as a center. Four kids to this center at a time. She filled up spray bottles with water and food coloring so the children could colorfully spray their snow! Easy, fun, and great for fine motor skills. Whereas children are hard attention-keepers, we managed to keep their attention with these snow buckets for quite some time. While yes, snow can throw a lot of routine off, we look at it as a good challenge to see what we can do to keep children entertained while they are indoors.

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