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February at Discoveries


What’s In Store For February

The month of February is a busy time for all classes. The babies are growing fast. Miss Sara and team do a wonderful job keeping up with the changes. They have added some new friends to the group. Some of our older babies have moved up to the Cub class. Come see our LOVE BUG bulletin board.

The Cubs room has a new look and feel to it. We have moved the furniture around and developed new learning centers. We have the reading center, play toys, blocks and play house. We have a new fun zebra stripe rug that’s wonderful for playing on with many of the toys. New friends joined us this month. Some off our friends moved over to the Panda’s room. Miss Polly and Miss Olivia keep the Cubs busy exploring and learning thru play. This means we learn by hands on experiences.  Potty training is in session all the time and we are proud to say many of them have mastered this skill.

The Pandas tend to run in the middle of the pack. Bigger than the Cubs and babies, but not ready to move into the Monkeys.  They do know how to have a fun time. The dramatic center with fun dress up clothes is the favorite. The Pandas have a fun playing house and keep it in good shape with the help of tools that are kept in the colorful bins. The sensory center has the amazing SANDS ALIVE. This sticks to its self and molds into many shapes and things. The things they can create are limitless.

The Monkeys continue to work on the alphabet. They learn about the letters by using them to create animals. S is for snake. They are playing games to learn their numbers and shapes. Fishing game and hunting shapes hidden in the room are a fun way to learn.

Alligators are learning about the ocean and its creatures.  Valentine’s Day is a wonderful way to learn about our emotions and feelings. The Alligators are learning how to handle many emotions. The end of the month dinosaurs will entertain them as they become archaeolists, discovering fossils and find their dinosaur names.

The Mustangs are busy learning their phone numbers and addresses. They made cell phones to practice dialing their own phone numbers. To practice their addresses each child created their homes and Miss Dawn wrote their addresses on each house. Now the Mustangs have a neighborhood of all of our friends.

All the classes will have Valentines party to exchange cards and have a fun time. Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone.




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